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Level B Science: Forensic Science

Crime Scene Photography & Sketches

A Simplified Guide to Crime Scene Photography
About the importance of crime scene photos

Slide Show About Crime Scene Sketching
The advantages of crime scene sketches compared to photographs

Why Crime Sketches are so Important
Explains why crime sketches are one of the foundations of crime scene investigation


Witness Statements and Interviews
How to conduct an interview and the types of questions to ask

Myth: Eyewitness Testimony is the Best Kind of Evidence
About the inaccuracies of of eyewitness testimony

How to Improve Eyewitness Testimony
Advice for improving the accuracy of eyewitness testimony


Introduction to Forensic Handwriting Analysis
How a forensic handwriting analysis is conducted

Ink Chromatography Lab Experiment
How to separate the different dye colours in ink


A Simplified Guide to Fingerprinting Analysis
Different types of prints that may be found and different analysis methods

An Introduction to Fingerprints
Slide show about the classification of fingerprints

How to Collect Fingerprints
Slide show on how to obtain fingerprints and identify them

What Happens When You're Born Without Fingerprints
The pros and cons of having no fingerprints

Palm Prints

Catching Criminals Red-Palmed
Using palm prints as forensic evidence to solve crimes

Lip Prints

About the forensic investigation technique that deals with the identification of humans based on lip traces

Footprints and Tyre Prints

A Simplified Guide to Footwear & Tyre Track Examiniation
Using impressions of footwear and tires to help solve cases