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IB Extended Essay: Sample research questions

Sample research questions

Sample Research Questions

The table below provides some examples showing the difference between unclear and unfocused research questions and those that are appropriately clear and focused, lending themselves to in-depth research.

Unclear, unfocused, and unarguable research questions

Clear, focused, narrow research questions lending themselves to in-depth research

What was the impact of Ho Chi Minh's allegiance to Lenin? To what extent was nationalism the guiding factor in Ho Chi Minh's adoption of Leninism in 1920?
How effective was Nazi propaganda in controlling its people? How effective was Nazi Youth propaganda in terms of indoctrinating German citizens aged 14-18?
How important is chlorophyll to plant life? What is the effect of different concentrations of kinetin on leaves aging and the biosynthesis of chlorophyll?
How did the Greeks win victory over the Persians from 480 to 479 BCE? To what extent was the Battle of Thermopylae the most significant factor in the Greek victory over the Persians?
How does interactive software impact classroom learning? In what ways does the use of e-learning platforms such as Google Classroom improve the literacy skills of students aged 5-10?

Source: Lekanides, K. (2016). Extended Essay Course Companion. Oxford University Press.

Source: West Sound Academy. (n.d.). Step 5: Draft a Research Question.